What's on Your Life List?


The following is an excerpt from a piece Morra wrote for Huffington Post. You can read the piece in its entirety here. The concept of the bucket list and the life list has grown in popularity as our sheer options for life abound. In the midst of feeling overwhelmed -- the average American receives over100,000 words of information a day-- writing down a few simple phrases has huge power to shift our lives.

I recently began working with an executive coach and the first thing she had me do was write down my "intentions" for the next year on an index card. Write it down, and it's more likely to come true. This tradition holds true for me. When, growing up, my mother brought my sister and me to women's retreats around the summer and winter solstices, a favorite ritual was to "burn and affirm." Burn a piece of paper stating those habits we want to erase, affirm and keep those goals we so badly want to accomplish. Now, 22 years later, I'm paying an expert to do the exact same thing.